January 24, 2025by Alexandre Harzo

14 Croatian Phrases Every Retiree Living in Croatia Should Know

Discover the top 14 Croatian phrases every retiree in Croatia should know, from daily interactions to cultural connections. Master these essential expressions.

14 Croatian Phrases Every Retiree Living in Croatia Should Know

Moving to Croatia? Learning a few key phrases makes everything easier. Communication breaks barriers between you and your new home. These 14 essential Croatian words will help you navigate daily life, make connections, and feel more at home as a retired person living in Croatia.

Imagine confidently ordering coffee, asking for directions, or chatting with locals. Language is your passport to truly experiencing Croatian culture. No more feeling lost or confused—just pure adventure and connection. This guide gives you practical phrases. Simple. Useful. Memorable. Your journey to becoming a local starts here.

Essential Croatian Phrases for Retirees Living in Croatia

Whether you are a retiree or a traveler, these phrases will help you navigate daily life, make connections, and feel more at home as a retired person living in Croatia.

Hello/Good dayDobar danDOH-bar danGeneral greetings
Good morningDobro jutroDOH-bro YOO-troMorning interactions
Good eveningDobra večerDOH-bra VEH-cherEvening meetings
PleaseMolimMOH-leemMaking requests
Thank youHvalaHVAH-lahShowing gratitude
You're welcomeNema na čemuNEH-ma na CHEH-muResponding to thanks
Excuse meOprostiteoh-PROS-tee-tehGetting attention, apologizing
HelpPomoćPOH-mochEmergency situations
I need immediate helpTrebam hitnu pomoćTREH-bam HEET-nu POH-mochHealthcare emergencies
Do you speak English?Govorite li engleski?GO-vo-ree-teh lee EN-gles-keeLanguage communication
I don't understandNe razumijemneh ra-ZOO-mee-yemCommunication difficulties
Where is the...Gdje je...GDYEH yehAsking directions
How much does it cost?Koliko košta?KOH-lee-ko KOSH-taShopping, pricing
Can you help me?Možete li mi pomoći?MO-zhe-teh lee mee PO-mo-cheeRequesting assistance

Basic Greetings

Dobar dan (Hello/Good Day)

Essential greeting for expats and retirees in Croatia. Versatile phrase used across professional and social interactions. Perfect for newcomers settling into Croatian retirement communities or exploring local environments. In more informal settings, with children or friends, "Bok" is more appropriate.

Dobro jutro (Good Morning)

This is a specific morning greeting used from sunrise until around 10 AM. Perfect for early interactions, breakfast meetings, or morning errands. Shows cultural awareness and basic politeness. Easy to pronounce and used everyday, this is a must-have phrase when you are in Croatia.

Dobra večer (Good Evening)

Dobra večer is a specific evening greeting used from sunset until around 10 PM. It's an important expression when entering in a social gathering or a restaurant later in the day.

Polite expressions

Molim (Please)

Key politeness phrase for expats or retired peoplenavigating Croatian bureaucracy, healthcare, and daily services. Critical for retired individuals managing administrative tasks or seeking local assistance.

"Molim" can also be used to say "You're welcome" in Croatian, so don't be surprised if you hear in this type of context.

Hvala (Thank You)

A powerful expression of gratitude in Croatian, used by everyone to show appreciation and say thanks. It’s a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal situations, whether someone holds a door open for you, offers assistance, or gives you a thoughtful gift.

The phrase translates to “Thank you” and is pronounced “HVAH-lah.” It’s short, simple, and widely recognized as a polite response to kindness or service. Hvala is an essential word in Croatian, reflecting the importance of politeness and gratitude in everyday interactions.

Nema na čemu (No Problem)

Nema na čemu is a common response to hvala, equivalent to saying “You’re welcome” or “No problem.” It conveys humility and friendliness, letting the other person know that their gratitude is appreciated, but no big deal.

The phrase is pronounced “NEH-ma na CHEH-mu” and directly translates to “There’s nothing to it.” This phrase is often used to reassure someone that their thanks are acknowledged and that you were happy to help.

Requests and Assistance

Oprostite (Excuse Me)

Oprostite is a polite way to get someone’s attention, apologize, or ask for help in Croatian. It’s a versatile word, suitable for both formal and informal situations. Use it when you need to say “Excuse me” to pass someone in a crowd, interrupt a conversation, or make a small mistake.

The phrase is pronounced “oh-PROS-tee-teh” and can also serve as an apology, equivalent to “I’m sorry.” Oprostite is an essential phrase for showing respect and consideration in your interactions.

Pomoć (Help)

Pomoć is the Croatian word for “Help,” used in situations where immediate assistance is needed. It’s a crucial word to know for emergencies or moments when you’re in distress. Simply saying pomoć will alert those around you that you need support.

The word is pronounced “POH-moch.” While simple and direct, it carries a strong sense of urgency, making it one of the most important words to remember, especially for travelers or new residents in Croatia.

This is a useful word if you are in a situation where you need help, like a medical emergency or a car breakdown.

Trebam hitnu pomoć (I Need Immediate Help)

Trebam hitnu pomoć is a vital phrase for serious emergencies, translating to “I need immediate help.” It’s often used in healthcare-related situations or when urgent assistance is required.

The phrase is pronounced “TREH-bam HEET-nu POH-moch.” Trebam means “I need,” and hitnu pomoć refers to “emergency help.” This phrase ensures that those around you understand the gravity of your situation and can act quickly to provide assistance or call for help.

This is a another useful expression if you are in a situation where you need quick help.

Možete li mi pomoći? (Can you help me?)

Možete li mi pomoći? is a polite and direct way to ask for help in Croatian. It translates to “Can you help me?” and is perfect for situations where you need assistance, whether it’s finding directions, solving a problem, or understanding something unfamiliar.

The phrase is pronounced “MO-zhe-teh lee mee PO-mo-chee.” Možete li means “Can you,” mi means “me,” and pomoći means “help.” This phrase conveys both respect and urgency, making it suitable for formal and informal scenarios, quite useful for daily life as a retired person living in Croatia.

Communication and Understanding

Govorite li engleski? (Do you speak English?)

Sometimes you are facing a situation where your Croatian might not be enough to communicate with the locals. In this case, this phrase is a must-have.

Govorite li engleski? is an essential phrase for travelers and non-Croatian speakers. It translates to “Do you speak English?” and is used to find out if someone can communicate in English, helping to bridge the language gap.

The pronunciation is “GO-vo-ree-teh lee EN-gles-kee.” Govorite li means “Do you speak,” and engleski means “English.” This polite question can be a lifesaver in navigating unfamiliar situations or seeking help in Croatia.

Ne razumijem (I don't understand)

Maybe the most important phrase to know while living to any foreign country.

"Ne razumijem" will be your go-to phrase when you are not able to understand what is happening around you.

The phrase is pronounced “neh ra-ZOO-mee-yem.” Ne means “not,” and razumijem means “I understand.” This phrase is a practical way to signal your need for clarification or assistance in communication.

Directions and Locations

Gdje je... (Where is...)

Gdje je... is a simple and direct way to ask for directions in Croatian. It translates to “Where is...” and is used to find out the location of a specific place or item.

The phrase is pronounced “GDYEH yeh.” Gdje means “where,” and je means “is.” This phrase is useful for asking for directions, finding a specific store, or locating a landmark.

Koliko košta? (How much does it cost?)

Koliko košta? is a common phrase used to inquire about the price of something in Croatian. It translates to “How much does it cost?” and is used to find out the cost of a product, service, or item.

The phrase is pronounced “KOH-lee-ko KOSH-ta.” Koliko means “how much,” and košta means “costs.” This phrase is useful for shopping, dining out, or understanding pricing in Croatian.


These essential Croatian phrases will help you navigate daily life, make connections, and feel more at home as a retired person living in Croatia.

Of course, those phrases won't be enough to communicate fully with locals, that's why we encourage you to register and start learning Croatian with our Croatian language lessons.

Feel free to also check out our other blog articles about studying Croatian, we have a lot of content about learning Croatian, which might be useful for you as a retired person living in Croatia.

Wishing you a great stay in Croatia!