January 11, 2025by Alexandre Harzo

How to order coffee in Croatian like a local

If you’re wondering how to order coffee in Croatian like a local, this simple guide will help you get started.

How to order coffee in Croatian like a local

In Croatia, there’s nothing quite like enjoying a coffee at a cozy café terrace, especially on a sunny day. It’s a daily ritual that locals hold dear, and visitors quickly fall in love with it too!

However, when it’s time to place their order, many tourists end up making a few common mistakes that can easily be avoided.

In this guide, we’ll go over those mistakes and show you how to order your coffee in Croatian with confidence—just like a local. Ready? Let's go!

Types of Coffee You Can Order in Croatian

From iced coffee to black coffee, here are some common Croatian coffee options to suit all tastes.

Coffee with milk (latte)Bijela kavaˈbiːjɛla ˈkaʋa
Iced coffeeLedena kavaˈlɛdɛna ˈkaʋa
Black coffeeCrna kavaˈtsr̩na ˈkaʋa
A cup of coffeeŠalica kaveˈʃaːlit͡sa ˈkaʋɛ
Decaf coffeeKava bez kofeinaˈkaʋa ˈbɛz ˈkɔfɛina
Coffee with creamKava s vrhnjemˈkaʋa s ˈʋr̩xɲɛm
AmericanoProdužena kavaˈprɔduʒɛna ˈkaʋa
RistrettoKratka kavaˈkr̩atka ˈkaʋa
Viennese coffee (whipped cream)Bečka kavaˈbɛt͡ʃka ˈkaʋa
Filtered coffee/Regular coffeeFilter kavaˈfiltɛr ˈkaʋa

How to Order Coffee in Croatian

Here are some useful phrases to confidently order coffee in Croatian.

I’d like a coffee, please.Molim jednu kavu.ˈmɔlim ˈjɛdnu ˈkaʋu
Can I have a coffee with milk?Mogu li dobiti kavu s mlijekom?ˈmɔɡu li ˈdɔbiti ˈkaʋu s ˈmʎijɛkɔm
A black coffee, please.Crnu kavu, molim.ˈtsr̩nu ˈkaʋu ˈmɔlim
I’ll have an espresso.Uzet ću espresso.ˈuzɛt t͡ʃu ɛsˈpresso
One cappuccino, please.Jedan cappuccino, molim.ˈjɛdan kaput͡ʃino ˈmɔlim
Do you have decaf coffee?Imate li kavu bez kofeina?ˈimatɛ li ˈkaʋu ˈbɛz ˈkɔfɛina
Can I get a coffee to go?Mogu li dobiti kavu za van?ˈmɔɡu li ˈdɔbiti ˈkaʋu za ˈʋan
I’d like an iced coffee, please.Molim jednu ledenu kavu.ˈmɔlim ˈjɛdnu ˈlɛdɛnu ˈkaʋu
A coffee with cream, please.Kavu s vrhnjem, molim.ˈkaʋu s ˈʋr̩xɲɛm ˈmɔlim
Thank you!Hvala!ˈxʋaːla

Ordering Coffee in Croatia: What You Need to Know

If you think ordering coffee in Croatia is as straightforward as grabbing a quick cup at home, you might be in for a surprise. Ask for kava (coffee), and you’ll typically be served a small, strong cup of espresso. If you then request milk without specifying how, you might leave your waiter a little confused. Why is that?

Kava in Croatia

In Croatia, kava usually means espresso—a small, rich, and strong coffee that’s a favorite among locals. Whether you’re sitting on a café terrace in Zagreb or at a seaside bar in Split, this is the default coffee you’ll receive unless you specify otherwise.

If you’re more accustomed to a larger cup of milder, filtered coffee, you’ll want to order bijela kava (white coffee). This is a latte-like drink made with espresso and a generous amount of steamed milk, typically served in a larger cup.

Prefer something a little weaker but still espresso-based? Try a produžena kava, an espresso diluted with extra hot water for a milder taste, similar to an Americano.

On the other hand, if you want something even stronger than a typical espresso, ask for a kratka kava (short coffee), a super-concentrated shot with minimal water.

If iced coffee is what you’re after, look for ledena kava, though it may not be as common outside tourist areas or specialized cafés.

For decaf, simply add the word bez kofeina to your order: kava bez kofeina, bijela kava bez kofeina, etc.

Want Milk with Your Coffee?

Croatians love their coffee culture, and milk options are part of the ritual. If you’d like milk, here’s how to order it:

  • Bijela kava: Espresso with steamed milk (a latte-style drink, served in a large cup).
  • Kava s mlijekom: Espresso with a smaller amount of hot milk (similar to a flat white).
  • Macchiato: Espresso with just a small splash of milk or foam (served in a smaller cup).

What About Sugar?

No need to ask for sugar—it will almost always be brought with your coffee, either in packets or cubes. If you like to follow local traditions, try umakanje šećera (dipping a sugar cube): soak the cube briefly in your coffee, let it absorb the flavor, and enjoy it as a sweet treat.

Coffee Culture in Croatia

Croatians treat coffee as a social activity, not just a caffeine boost. It’s common to spend an hour or more sipping coffee while chatting with friends or people-watching. Unlike in some countries, takeaway coffee isn’t as popular here—sitting and savoring your drink is the norm.

If you’re short on time, you can drink your coffee quickly na šanku (at the bar), which is also a more affordable option. Some cafés even have different prices depending on whether you sit indoors, outdoors, or stand at the bar.

Other Hot Drinks

Not in the mood for coffee? Croatian cafés offer other options, too:

  • Čaj: Tea (usually black tea).
  • Zeleni čaj: Green tea.
  • Biljni čaj: Herbal tea.
  • Vruća čokolada: Hot chocolate (often thick and rich).

With this guide, you’re ready to order coffee in Croatia like a pro. Živjeli!